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Positive Outlook Might Prolong Your Life

Surviving a heart attack is usually rife with frustration and fear. Sure, it may feel good to have survived, but it can also be a terribly stressful ordeal. “It can be a very vulnerable period – rates of rehospitalizations... More of this article »
Image for Surgery and Chemo Best Treatment Against Breast Cancer

Surgery and Chemo Best Treatment Against Breast Cancer

Women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer appear to have a better rate of survival if they get both chemotherapy and surgery more quickly after receiving their diagnosis. This is according to two new large US-based studies. “We... More of this article »
Image for Cambodian “Doctor” Defies National Decree, Infects 100 with HIV

Cambodian “Doctor” Defies National Decree, Infects 100 with HIV

In the United States medical doctors are supposed to swear an oath to help improve the lives of their patients. Of course, all of the wonderful research over the past few hundred years (and particularly over the past couple decades)... More of this article »